Answers You Need
Welcome to the EnduraDuct Help Center. We have pulled some of the most frequently asked questions from our followers and compiled them all into one place. Perhaps you may have the same question that was on somebody else’s mind-here you will find what you are looking for. Should you have any other questions that we may have missed, do not hesitate to reach out.

What is EnduraDuct?
EnduraDuct is an American-Made, Patented Pre-cladded outdoor duct system. EnduraDuct utilizes new technology to provide the highest R-value in the industry while using SMACNA standard duct and our hard-coating system. EnduraDuct simplifies installations while providing a high quality product that is built to last.

Why should I use EnduraDuct over traditional ductwork insulations and jacketing's?
EnduraDuct is pre-engineered, pre-manufactured outdoor ductwork system providing a seamless, non-wavy, non-penetrating hard shell with a high R-Value weather barrier. EnduraDuct simplifies installation to a single trade, with less field connections and an industry leading warranty.
Does EnduraDuct meet SMACNA standards?
EnduraDuct is built to meet the latest edition of SMACNA HVAC Duct Construction Standards - Metal and Flexible
EnduraDuct is the only prefabricated ductwork in the industry that includes a SMACNA rated sheet metal interior.
EnduraDuct can be made of ANY metal choice, Food Grade 316- TIG welding, Stainless, PVC coated, Galv 90, Aluminum, you name it we can made it.
Are there ever screw penetrations through the interior metal of EnduraDuct?
No. EnduraDuct insulation is attached with adhesive and then coated so there is never any need to penetrate the interior metal duct.
Is EnduraDuct built to national and local codes?
EnduraDuct is built to all national codes and specifications such as SMACNA, IMC and IECC.
EnduraDuct can also be built to meet any additional requirements of local codes.

Why is a sheet metal interior important?
EnduraDuct is built to meet the latest edition of SMACNA HVAC Duct Construction Standards - Metal and Flexible
EnduraDuct is the only prefabricated ductwork in the industry that includes a SMACNA rated sheet metal interior.
The sheet metal interior allows EnduraDuct to minimize Internal supports which create places for duct and debris to collect inside the duct.
Are there ever screw penetrations through the interior metal of EnduraDuct?
No. EnduraDuct insulation is attached with adhesive and then coated so there is never any need to penetrate the interior metal duct.
What is the gauge of the metal used in EnduraDuct?
SMACNA dictates the minimum gauge of all sheet metal duct built to their specifications.
EnduraDuct follows SMACNA minimums but can increase the gauge if needed.
Can EnduraDuct be pressure tested in the field?
The interior of EnduraDuct is made of SMACNA rated sheet metal ductwork. Thus, pressure testing EnduraDuct is no different than pressure testing any sheet metal ductwork built by any sheet metal contractor.
The insulation and coating of EnduraDuct provides extra protection against air leakage.
Can curbs be insulated and coated with the EnduraDuct system?
Yes, and recommended for a sleek look.
EnduraDuct can also coat sheet metal plenums and curb caps. Can turning vanes and dampers be installed in EnduraDuct?
Access doors can also be fabricated into the duct.
What kind of coating does EnduraDuct have?
EnduraDuct offers a homogeneous, spray-on coating which cures to a durable, weatherproof barrier.
There are no seams, so no vulnerable areas.
A UV resistant topcoat is applied over the initial coating.
What is the thermal insulation value of EnduraDuct?
EnduraDuct is typically built to meet a range of thermal values between
R-9 and R-26.
EnduraDuct can be built to meet any specified R-Value.
Are custom colors available?
EnduraDuct can match any Pantone number.
How should EnduraDuct be anchored to supports, stands, or equipment supports?
EnduraDuct is supported like any field wrapped duct – per SMACNA standards.
EnduraDuct is of similar weight (typically lighter) than field insulated duct so there are no special requirements over and above SMACNA standards.
EnduraDuct recommends the use of non-penetrating supports with top straps.
EnduraDuct does not recommend the use of penetrating supports as penetration of the duct outer coating voids the EnduraDuct warranty and can cause damage and leakage in the ductwork.
What type of warranty is provided with EnduraDuct?
10 years on all materials and workmanship
What can be coated?
We can coat almost any metal object. Contact our Sales team- Sales@enduraduct.com to discuss coating possibilities
What is required by the IECC 2012/2015?
This depends on your climate zone classification. For Example, the the Chicago IECC 2012 requires an R-8 insulation when located on the outside of the building. The IECC 2015 requires an R-12. EnduraDuct can meet ANY standard.

Do I need we need training to install EnduraDuct?
EnduraDuct is as easy as 1,2,3. Read the guidelines, caulk and screw. We do provide options to watch a training video, visit the manufacturing warehouse for hands on training or any thing you feel your team may need. We do however require pictures be sent so we can assure directions have been followed and connections to the unit are water-tight.
EnduraDuct Standards
EnduraDuct's Insert system MUST fit properly to ensure a water tight vessel. EnduraDuct has created the EnduraDuct Standard. This ensures inserts fit snugly and are easy for the install team. This may require changing some of of your offsets or transitions.
We are always here to ensure your project goes as smoothly as possible.